
bjective:To determine the relationship of static work position to the emergenceof trapezius myalgia in employees of the education and cultural office of the cityof Jambi Methods: This study is quantitative, where static work position wasmeasured using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment method and trapezius myalgiawas measured using Visual Analog Scale. The sample consisted of 30 peopleobtained based on purposive sampling.Results:The normality test with the Shapiro Wilk test data obtained was not normally distributed. Then the correlation test using the Spearman Rank test showed the results p <0.001 and r = 0.828 whichmeans there is a positive correlation with a very strong correlation strength.. Conclusion:There is a very strong positive correlation between the static work position and the emergence of trapezius myalgia in employees of the Jambi education and culture office.

Universitas Esa Unggul


  • Eliza Riadho
  • Wahyuddin
