Development of Religious Courts and Challenges in the future


Indonesia has a judicial institution consisting of four court fields. Based on article 24 paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution which subsequently complies with No.7 of 1970 Constitution concerning Judicial Power as amended by No.48 of 2009 Constitution concerning Judicial Power Article 10 paragraph 2 of the four court, namely : District Court, Religious Court, State Administration Court and Military Courts.The Religious Court (PA) has limited authority based on Article 49 of No. 50 of 2009 Constitution, which are : resolving disputes regarding: marriage, inheritance, will, grant, endowments, zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and sharia economy. PA has a very close relationship with the development of justice system in Indonesia. There are several new authorities granted to PA. Therefore, it is required to have complete legislation to optimize the role of this institution..


  1. Melani Darman


International Conference on Recent Innovation 2018