Knowledge About The Danger Of Pregnancy And Family Support Related To Compliance With Antenatal Care (ANC) In Trimester III Pregnant Women In Ciruas Health Center, Serang Regency


Antenatal Care is indispensable as an attempt to detect early occurrence of high-risk pregnancy and childbirth. It is also able to reduce the number of death between mothers and infants. This study aims to know the relationship of knowledge about the dangerous signs of pregnancy and family support with obedience of ANC visit of third trimester pregnant mother in Ciruas Health Center. The type of study used is a descriptive correlation by cross sectional approach conducted on June 2016 at the Work Area of Ciruas Health Center. The number of samples in this study was 54 pregnant mother. The data collection method was using a questionnaire and data analysis using chi square test. The results of this study indicate that there are significant relationship of pregnant mother between knowledge about the dangerous signs of pregnancy with obedience of ANC visit (ρ = 0,028) and there are significant relationship between family support with obedience of ANC visit (ρ = 0,010). The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between knowledge about the dangerous sign of pregnancy and family support with obedience of ANC visit of third trimester pregnant mother in Ciruas Health Center. It is suggested to add more awareness regarding the dangerous signs of pregnancy and the importance of prenatal care to the society by midwives and health promotion, also provide support to pregnant mothers by reminding them to continually have complete check-up.


  1. Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi
  2. Maftuhatun Nadhiroh
  3. Ade Heryana


International Conference on Recent Innovation 2018