Job Satisfaction Factors Affecting the Filling Performance of Medical Record in Hospital


Complete, accurate and timely recording of Medical Records has not been fully done by the hospital, although it is required to measure the Medical Record Completeness indicators and have not yet had any effect on quality improvement. Implementation of medical record document audit performed in the creation of data that can be used as an evidence base. Based on preliminary observations in RSUD Adjidarmo, the completeness of the inpatient medical record, especially on the doctor’s note sheet, begins in the emergency room or clinic. The initial assessment of
anamnese on the patient’s physical examination, developmental record and out-of-date summary is incomplete. This phenomenon shows that the performance of doctors in the filling of medical records is still low. Not optimal performance of medical record inpatient by a doctor is allegedly caused by job satisfaction factors. The purpose of the study to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on completeness of filling medical record. The type of research is observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The population of this study is the outpatient physician and specialist doctor who treated the patients as much as 74 people. A sample size of 30 people werw taken with accidental sampling technique. This research instrument is a questionnaire. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis. The results showed the value of F=12.257> Ftable=2.65 or pvalue< 0.05. Individual test is shown at p< 0.05 in X2, X3,X5, p value of each variable: 0.021; 0.019; 0.033. The conclusion of this study are the dimensions of satisfaction on: job, compensation, leadership, co-workers and promotion together have a significant influence on the completeness of Medical Records and partially satisfaction dimension on: compensation, leadership, and promotion have a significant influence on the completeness of Medical Record.


  1. Lily Widjaja
  2. Laela Indawati
  3. Nanda Aula Rumana


International Conference on Recent Innovation 2018