Deskripsi :

Abstract The study aims to develop a conceptual model to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the Private Universities as a Learning Organization in improving the performance of Design Lecturers. Research design adopted is causality-explanatory. The primary data type is in the form of perceptions, opinions, and attitudes of Lecturers who have already passed the Lecturer and the management certification of Private Universities in the environment of Kopertis III. Time dimension is one shot study. The respondents of the research were a Lecturer who already passed the Lecturer certification which is noted as a permanent lecturer at the private Universities in the neighborhood of Kopertis III. Descriptive analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis are used to describe a characteristic which is the representation of the theory, and DEA that measures effectiveness level. The research results obtained from the universities that are grouped into two, main and middle universities, and assisted universities that ranked highest in terms of implementation efficiency of the University as a Learning Organization in improving the performance of lecturers is Trisakti University, Trisakti University is efficient on People Level and Structure Level, as well as efficient on Learning Organization as an integrated system on people and Structure level. In the second place as University that is efficient as a Learning Organization in improving the performance of lecturers is Gunadarma University, on People Level and Structure Level, where the efficiency level reaches 100%. Its just in terms of efficiency, in running the learning organization as a whole the efficiency level has not reached 100%, but only 99.6%. Trisakti University and Gunadarma University both are universities which are in the Main University group.In Assisted University group, the most efficient University as a Learning Organization is STMIK &K and STIE Ahmad Dahlan. Both Universities have a campus that is not too large, but the entire study program and supporting units are located only in one place.

Universiatas Esa Unggul


  • Dr. HASYIM SE, M.Ed, MM ( 201040164 )
  • Rina Anindita
