
The Effect Of Workinvolvement And Work Satisfaction To Employees’turnover Intentionin Indonesia (A Case Study In Sctv)


The purpose of this researchistobring involvement on employees’ jobs and the company should be rewarded as well with the feeling of satisfaction from the employees themselves. Furthermore, to acquire the sufficient portion of job involvement from its employees, the company should put its trust to the employees. Hence, to grant the employees with job satisfaction, the company should facilitate and provide comfortability and opportunity of career development to accommodate the ability of its employees. This study is a descriptive quantitative study. The method of analysis used isSEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with the employees of PT. SCTV as the samples. The data was collected using questionnaire, from the data,there were 150 employees of PT. SCTV who met the criteria to be selected as the respondents who would beusedas the samples of the research. In the result of analysis part, it can be found that job involvement significantly affects turnover intention and job satisfaction. In the other hand, job satisfaction doesnot significantly affect turnover intention. The conclusion is the deepeer job involvement of an employee, the smaller number of turnover intention and the number of job satisfaction will increase.


  1. Lia Amalia
  2. AgusRamadani


International Conference on Recent Innovation 2018[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]