

The Quantitative Research Methodology for the Relationship of Emotional Content and the Use of Facebook


Facebook as social media has become a popular platform for communicating in cyberspace. Communicators, as owners of social media accounts have the motive of communication in spreading messages with the purpose of information, promotion, education, motivation, persuasion, entertainment, and so on. In packing messages according to the netizens’ preferences, content is categorized into happiness, sadness, uniqueness, and contradiction. The purpose of this study was achieved by a quantitative method approach through survey / questionnaire dissemination, which examined how emotional content could influence netizens using Facebook. The results can compare emotional content like what is liked, commented on, and shared so that it becomes popular.


  1. Bugi Satrio Adiwibowo (Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi)
  2. Moehammad Unggul Januarko


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