
Regional Development Banking And Mobilization Of Funds


This study aims to find out the mobilization of funds by Indonesian RDB (Regional Development Bank) and the factors influencing it. The interaction between external changes and the internal condition of the bank may inhibit or even accelerate the funds mobilization. The mobilization of funds is the main role of banking as an intermediary institution between surplus units and deficit units. The data research is quarterly data from 2010 to 2017. There are 26 RDBs as the sample. This research uses regression data panel as the research method. The result of this research explain that regional external economic variables such as GDP, Exchange Rate and Inflation, market concentration, and banking characteristics affect the funds mobilization of Indonesian RDBs. This means the pricing strategy must pay attention to external and internal variables. In the future, Indonesian RDBs need to develop the products that are specific to maintain and increase the mobilization of funds that have been achieved.


  1. Sapto Jumono
  2. Chajar Matari Fath Mala


International Conference on Recent Innovation 2018[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]