Media Structure Regulations And Economic Democration Politic Media Becoming Business Media In Indonesia 1984-2018


The development of mass media in Western capitalist countries has shown that “the economy is not the only determinant of media behavior”, but “control of material resources and changes to their distribution is the most powerful and influential task in making cultural products” (Murdock and Golding 1977: 20). This research evaluates how certain media are classified in economic and political terms. How and why is the media economy different from other types of industry? What are the causes and consequences of media concentration? What are the causes and consequences of media internalization? Does the relative weight of technology affect media change? How is media performance influenced by financial sources? This study uses historical methods and approaches. This assessment technique is able to describe the activities of the process of the formation of the establishment of a business media regulatory basis in Indonesia and the factors that influence the development of business media regulation. This rule is used to systematically review the form of the foundation of 1984-2018 media business regulation in Indonesia. The results of the study get the media in the 1984-2018 era in accordance with their responsibilities as a free media to be responsible together with the government and society to play an active role in enriching developments and finding solutions to overcome the difficulties faced by the state in accordance with its functions. The establishment of the 1984-2018 media system includes all forms of problems faced, including those relating to socio-cultural, political and economic issues. Therefore, the government gives weight and benchmarks regarding the actuality of media values. The media in its activities are based on the noble values of the nation, namely Pancasila and the government formally established the Pancasila media in 1984. The Pancasila media must be free and accountable, and harmonize its attitudes and behavior to the noble values of the Indonesian nation, disseminate correct and objective information, become distributors of people’s aspirations and holding constructive social controls. In addition to carrying out his professional duties with a reminder to the need to establish positive interaction between the government, the media and the public. The media can be published by the government, social organizations and political and private organizations which are legal entities of publishing, thus encouraging the development of media as a business or business that continues to prioritize its idealistic characteristics, managed in a familial manner with the obligation to give 20 percent of shares to journalists and employees .


  1. Erman Anom
  2. Mus Chairil Samani


International Conference on Recent Innovation 2018